There was a time in our sunshiny island jamaica long before the arrival of Columbus there was a people much more older,indegenous and much more endemic to the region once known as Xamaicana now known as 'Yard'or Jamaica. Historical data as proven that these people occupied, resided in, owns, developed and lived in Jamaica long long before Columbus and the Spanish and British insurgence, occupation and genocide of these people. They lived here before the Taino People who Speaks the native indegenous Awaraki language. These people were known as the Siboney(Ciboney) people.There lineage traced back to the original Alkiboulite Ethiopic Hebrew Ashanti people.Hence the terms Ashanti Maumau and Ashanti Baba .Our oral Traditional griot preserved a much more indegenous original,authentic, and truthful history preserved in the museum of truth. These Troglodyte Hebrew Ashanti people were also known as the rockdwellers. As they ...
This medium was implemented to research create,develope,promote and publish historical,cultural blogs about Jamaica and the wider world populace, the highest,quality and standard.Acurate on par information delivered to the general public via the two edged sword.The Social Media.With the aim and drive to provide Accurate,factual, educative. Entertaining, Historical facts , herbal, Tour Guide and touring Tips, interesting Facts about countries. Life style cultural anthropological studies