A grand taste of Jamaica. As I said before in my previous article Jamaicans and Jamaica is not only rich in food it is also rich in all It's essence and beauty and offers to fulfill the needs of Jamaican and internationals , who want to experience and bask, first hand, in the many different taste of Jamaica?.From its roots reggae music,powered with word sound and poetic,historical ,indigenous, idiomatic expressions, whites sand beaches,to rafting on the Martha Brae Tip Grande and Great River , climbing up the Dunns River Falls, hiking on the Blue or John Crow mountains any of our other lush,green,rich mountainous terrains. You are lost or never experience something, if never ever enjoy a cool glass of home m...
This medium was implemented to research create,develope,promote and publish historical,cultural blogs about Jamaica and the wider world populace, the highest,quality and standard.Acurate on par information delivered to the general public via the two edged sword.The Social Media.With the aim and drive to provide Accurate,factual, educative. Entertaining, Historical facts , herbal, Tour Guide and touring Tips, interesting Facts about countries. Life style cultural anthropological studies